Institute of Space Industrialization (ISI)


Капітуляція Російської Федерації

31 травня 2022 року редакції видань GAZETA POLSKA, New York Times, Die Welt, 人民日报

отримали текст проекту CAPITULATION OF RUSSIA 2022.
Це попередня неофіційна версія, яку пропонується розглянути громадськості України,

Російської Федерації, США, КНР, Євросоюзу, Великобританії та інших країн світу.
Підтримка громадян усіх країн дозволить готувати офіційний варіант документа про

капітуляцію Російської Федерації у війні проти України.

Капитуляция Российской Федерации

31 мая 2022 редакции изданий GAZETA POLSKA, New York Times, Die Welt, 人民日报 получили текст проекта CAPITULATION OF RUSSIA 2022.
Это предварительная неофициальная версия, которую предлагается рассмотреть общественности Украины, Российской Федерации, США, КНР, Евросоюза, Великобритании и других стран мира.
Поддержка граждан всех стран позволит готовить официальный вариант документа о капитуляции Российской Федерации в войне против Украины.

Capitulation of the Russian Federation

On May 31, 2022, the editors of GAZETA POLSKA, New York Times, Die Welt, 人民日报 received the text of the CAPITULATION OF RUSSIA 2022 project.
This is a preliminary unofficial version, which is proposed to be considered by the public of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United States, China, the European Union, the UK and other countries of the world.
The support of citizens of all countries will allow preparing an official version of the document on the surrender of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine.


2022年5月31日,GAZETA POLSKA、纽约时报、Die Welt、人民日报的编辑收到了俄罗斯投降2022项目的正文。


On February 24, 2022, the troops of the Russian Federation (RF) invaded Ukraine from several directions. As a result of aggression in Ukraine, tens of thousands of citizens were killed. Russia took about a million citizens of Ukraine to filtration camps on its territory: from the European part of RF to Sakhalin Island. Millions of citizens of Ukraine became migrants, including left Ukraine. Destroyed cities, towns and villages, all airports in Ukraine, factories and infrastructure.
Russian aggression has already caused disasters for Ukraine. But it also harms other countries that depend on food supplies from Ukraine, primarily in Africa, but also in Asia, Latin America and Europe: hunger, as a consequence of the war, is possible not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries.
The aggressor should be punished.
More than 50 countries are actively helping Ukraine in defense.
Before February 24, 2022, Ukraine was disarming, although in 1991 it had the third most powerful army in the world.
Ukrainians are peaceful people. However, after the start of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the quantity of the army of Ukraine even exceeded the army of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the predecessor of Ukraine since 1919 (600,000 military personnel as of 1991).
Foreign countries are helping Ukraine with weapons, as the war in Ukraine may not stop: Russia Federation has already filed its claims against a number of European countries.
At the same time, we all understand that the greatness of the second world power - the Russian Federation, turned out to be fictional. Russia is not the successor of the USSR (just look at the geographical map and compare), although the Government of the Russian Federation had the audacity to take the USSR seat in the UN Security Council. 67% of the territory of the Russian Federation is permafrost, the country lives by eating up the legacy of the USSR and the predatory extraction of natural resources. The Russian Federation cannot exist without the former republics of the USSR. Hence the claims of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Russian Federation is a young state founded in 1991. It consists of 21 national autonomous republics and many national regions, Moscow, regions of the European part of the country, as well as several entities in Siberia and the Far East, mainly populated by Russian-speaking citizens. The Russian language in the Russian Federation is used as the language of interethnic communication and is in no way "property" of the Russian Federation, especially since the first dictionary of the Russian language was created by Vladimir Dahl on the basis of Ukrainian dialects in the city of Nikolaev city (Ukraine).
Causes of the war on the part of the Russian Federation: political and economic, caused by the collapse of power within the country.

Based on the foregoing, Ukraine states:

1. Ukraine, supported by its allies in the fight against the Russian Federation, is ready to accept the capitulation of the Russian Federation with the full and unconditional restoration of its 1991 borders and with the full return to Ukraine of citizens of Ukraine who were taken out of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

2. Based on paragraph 1, the Russian Federation is obliged:

2.1. Territorial losses:
2.1.1. Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod regions, Voronezh region to the city limits of the city of Voronezh, Oryol region to the city limits of the city of Orel, Rostov region and Krasnodar region (where ethnic Ukrainians live) pass from the Russian Federation to Ukraine; The Sea of Azov becomes the inland sea of Ukraine.
2.1.2. The Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation is transferred to the Republic of Poland.
2.1.3. The Republic of Finland is given territories annexed from it as a result of the war between the USSR and Finland.
2.1.4. The Republic of Kazakhstan receives Orenburg Region and Kurgan Region, historically related to Kazakhstan.
2.1.5. The State of Japan receives the Kuril Islands (Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan, Khabomai rocks) that have been disputed since 1945.
2.1.6. The People's Republic of China receives disputed territories in the Russian Federation in the Far East.

2.2. Transformations within the Russian Federation:
2.2.1. 21 autonomous republics within the Russian Federation receive independence as independent states. In order to restore living conditions and preserve the natural habitat of indigenous peoples, a protectorate is established for 20 years by developed states in the form of joint management based on interstate agreements (the republics of the far north and those facing the Arctic Ocean are under the patronage of the United States, Canada, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Denmark; the republics of Siberia, which do not have access to the Arctic Ocean, are patronized by the People's Republic of China; republics of the south of the European part of the Russian Federation are patronized by the Turkish Republic; the republics of the center of the European part RF are patronized by the EU). National districts are granted the right to join the new republics or remain part of the Russian Federation.
2.2.2. The Russian Federation is renamed the Moscow State with its capital in the city of Moscow and does not have the right to be called the successor of the USSR and take the place of the USSR in the UN Security Council.

2.3. Compensation is financial:
2.3.1. Ukraine, in order to restore the destruction during the war, receives all the foreign assets of the Russian Federation and spends them irretrievably under the control of 44 allied states (Participants in a meeting of defense ministers from 44 countries at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany on May 23, 2022).
2.3.2. The Russian Federation for 5 years pays the families of the dead citizens of Ukraine for each dead 500,000 in dollar equivalent.
2.3.3. Every citizen of Ukraine receives from the Russian Federation within 10 years 200,000 in dollar equivalent to restore their vital positions.
2.3.4. According to the assessment of the destruction of infrastructure, factories, industrial facilities, the Russian Federation pays Ukraine the necessary amounts for 10 years to repay urgent loans for the restoration and construction of new modern facilities in the full amount of costs and servicing loans arising from insufficient funds of clause 2.3.1.

2.4. Demilitarization under international supervision:
2.4.1. The Russian Federation is deprived of the right to have naval bases in the Black and Azov Seas, their structure is completely destroyed and, after recreation, turns into zones of resort facilities in Ukraine.
2.4.2. The Russian Federation is deprived of the right to have space troops, strategic troops, to have short, medium and intercontinental range missiles, the navy, submarine and air fleets are abolished, ground forces are abolished. All available weapons are destroyed and disposed of under international control.
2.4.3. The Russian Federation can only have border troops and territorial defense troops without heavy weapons.
2.4.4. The Russian Federation becomes a non-nuclear power, all nuclear charges are transferred to Canada and the United States for use as raw materials for the production of fuel rods for nuclear power plants.
2.4.5. All special closed cities with a military orientation (nuclear, chemical, missile, etc.) are abolished, all military industrial equipment is destroyed at the expense of the resources of the Russian Federation.
2.4.6. All research institutes of the Russian Federation for defense purposes are being abolished.
2.4.7. The military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is being abolished, all military-industrial complex factories are switching to the production of civilian products.

3. Political organization:
3.1. Under the control of a coalition of 44 states, the foundation of democracy is being introduced in the Russian Federation, for which, for 20 years, the Government of the Russian Federation (the executive body of power) has been controlled by the Cabinet of Ministers from representatives of 44 states in order to ensure the norms of the new Constitution of the Moscow State. In each subject (region, city), the functions of the Government are performed by authorized Government Inspectors, who are Ambassadors of 44 states at the regional level.
The laws of the Russian Federation are canceled.
The post of President of the Russian Federation is canceled.
3.2. Parties representing the interests of various groups of the population should be formed in the Moscow State within 10 years, and on an elective basis with universal suffrage, after 10 years, elections are held for the Parliament, which becomes the legislature. Elections thereafter are held annually under the control of the Cabinet of Ministers.
3.3. Within 10 years, the judicial system of the Moscow State should be formed.
3.4. Collective property of citizens for resources is being introduced in the Moscow State, no transfer of resources to anyone under any circumstances is allowed. Governs the use of resources Cabinet of Ministers. Each citizen, based on the results of resource exploitation, annually receives his share of income (rent, which should not be less than 100 annual living wages of a citizen), minus deductions to the country's budget.
The budget is formed by the revenues of state-owned enterprises and the exploitation of natural resources.
Any types of taxes on citizens and state enterprises are eliminated. Only private companies with more than 100 employees are subject to taxation.
The Muscovite state must have a budget of a minimum size to meet the social needs of citizens. The budget cannot be used to maintain an army larger than the permitted size, nor to produce weapons of any type.
3.5. After 20 years, the Cabinet of Ministers is formed from local officials of the Muscovite State under the advisory control of representatives of 44 states. After 50 years, international control is abolished.

Final clause.

The capitulation of the Russian Federation is accepted by Ukraine under international control on the basis of a new security system in the world, which is proposed by 44 states, participants in the meeting of defense ministers at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany and the acceding member states of the UN.
The new security system will replace the UN Security Council in the long term.